Me, Jérémy Marchand

37 years old, Paris, Born in Brest (Brittany - France)

Software engineer, Hobbyist UI Designer and Painter.


Passionate about new technologies and computer science, I became a software engineer. I particularly love app development and user interface. End of 2012, I quit my job and decided to become independent to devoting myself entirely to my projects and built multiple apps and plugins.
Then in 2015, I joined the corporate world again and moved to Paris, perfecting my knowledge of the macOS platform. I am now a staff engineer and work on everything around the Apple platforms (iOS + macOS) at Dashlane.

UI Design and Painting

One of my favorite hobby is digital art. I draw icons, mascots, and various illustrations by using different technics and styles. I am also painting on iPad pro (digitally).

Frequently Asked Questions

How to contact me for professional opportunity?

Find me on linkedIn.

What is my apps privacy policy?

I do not collect any personal data at all.